Well being and viltality corner
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Well being and vitality corner

Being well in his body and in his head…

A residential living style "different" is what offers the Trimurti Village, to get into the essential of relaxation, innovation, the poetry of life, self-discovery, the world, in a spirit of meeting, sharing and exchange.

Massge courses Personal development Yoga for seniors

Body Mouvements training courses :

Yoga, Tai-Chi, Qi Gong, Aïkido, Tai Chi Chuan, Hatha Yoga, Iaidô, martial arts, intuitive energy dance, Tao yin at sunrise, zazen meditation... [view all courses]

Nature :

nature hiking, creative excursions, horse riding, meditative walk...

Zen :

meditation, Zen practice, Shiatsu, Reiki, relaxation, relaxing practices, awakening, Taoist exercises, light therapy...

Massages :

biopulse, body-conscience massage, plantar reflexology, auriculotherapy, world massages, Tuina massage, therapeutical massage, energy points, lymphatic draining, aromatherapy with essential oils, body cares, Chinese energetics, sensitive massages, Ayurvedic massage, traditional massages, biofeedback massage, self massages, psychosomatic therapy, Yin and Yang dialectic, magnetic fields, quantum therapies, holistic cares, Taijiquan, Waiqi liaofa, Tuina, special cure massage...

Alternative medicines and treatments :

physiotherapy, toiletries, natural treatment, acupuncture, beneficial therapies, floral elixirs, Chinese medicine, allopathic medicine, plants medicine, magnetism, energy circulation, chakras awareness, Waigi Liaofa, Dream and depths school...

Nutrition :

detox, dietary or slimness retreat, naturopathy, functional food, herbalism, plant properties, Chinese herbology...

Beauty :

body and face cares, anti-aging treatment, facial exercises....

Gentle workout :

Pilates, stretching, limber up, water exercises, health retreat, muscle awakening, WATSU (water-shiatsu), facial exercises...

Harmony :

Tantra, art of living, Feng Shui, healthy living, memory improvement, breathing...

Greater wellfare :

pain relief, anti-pain, overcome your stress, stop smoking, anti-smoking techniques, get free from alcohol, sleep improvement, overcome insomnia, fight against tiredness, be in peace with yourself and others, treat your back yourself, loosen up energy knots, School of Laughter, body psychology assistance.
body and face cares, anti-aging treatment, facial exercises...

 Step 1


Trainee : to book your training / workshop, please contact the Organiser directly.

 Step 2


Trainee : please fill in the booking form for your accommodation at the Trimurti Village.

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